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Meet Hubert, Quirk's Marketing Intern

Hubert Cheung
Meet Hubert, Quirk's Marketing Intern

Hi! Could you introduce yourself?

Greetings everybody, Hubert here! I’m a final year law student at King’s College London and I’m also a Content Marketing Intern at Quirk. I was born and raised in Hong Kong before moving to London at 17 for university.

What personality type did you get? Did you find the results to be accurate?

I got “The Explorer” which is pretty true because I can definitely dig up deals and offers like no other. I do keep track of my finances but I definitely can’t tell you exactly how much money I have in my bank account, so some days I overspend and some days I make up for it.

What inspired you to join Quirk?

I really like the fact that the homepage on Quirk’s app is tailored to your personality type. This way you really get the help you need no matter if you’re an Optimiser, an Explorer, an Artist or a Blissful! Also, just like a “coming-of-age” movie, I’m starting to manage my personal finances more “professionally” so Quirk was the perfect place to kickstart it.

What is your relationship with personal finance? - If applicable, how has that defined your current pursuits? What changes have you made that have helped? How has it changed over time?

I think we have a pretty good relationship. Because I don’t spend a lot, I don’t tend to control my spending that much. In general,  I take more of a laid back approach to managing my finances. If I splurge on something, I’ll cut down on my other expenses but there’s no definite plan.

What are some things that worked for you for maintaining balance and managing your spending?

I tried a budgeting app once but found it to be a hassle to put expenses into their correct categories. I prefer doing it the old fashioned way - a small notebook to track my spending, and at the end of a month I’ll see which categories I should cut down on. To prevent unnecessary shopping, I let all my items sit in the basket for 2 weeks before purchasing them, and unsubscribe from newsletters - with these tricks I’ve been able to save a lot of money!

Is there a specific financial goal you are working towards right now? What steps are you taking to achieve that goal?

My short term financial goal is to be completely financially independent. I’ve been saving the money I made from work in the past few years and I’m also constantly looking out for new opportunities and sources of income.

What do you most enjoy spending on, or is there any guilty pleasure you can share?

I probably enjoy buying clothes and shoes the most. They're relatively non-perishable, and a nice ensemble can really make your day just a little brighter. Plus, you can always return whatever you don't like so there's no fear of wasting money.

How often do you check your finances?

I check my finances as often as I water my plants - when I remember to. With everything going on, it’s hard to regularly check your account balance. But when I do remember to do it, it’s usually because I’ve splurged just a little too much and feel bad for my wallet, so I give it a check to make sure it’s still holding up

What’s your stack? (Accounts, credit cards, apps or other tools)

Currently, I’m using the HSBC app for tracking my expenditures and Quirk for more tailored strategies to my money approach.

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